According to EVN’s report: As of the morning of July 2nd, 2023, there are 55 renewable energy transition projects with a total capacity of 3,052.01 MW that have been provisionally approved by the MOIT. Among them, 14 power plants/sub-power plants, with a total capacity of 686.12 MW, have completed the procedures for COD.

So far, 70 out of 85 renewable energy transition projects with a total capacity of 3,851.86 MW have submitted documents to the EVNEPTC for electricity price negotiation and power purchase agreements. Among them, 59 projects have proposed a provisional price equal to 50% of the ceiling price (according to Decision No. 21/QD-BCT dated January 7, 2023, by MOIT).



Currently, EVN and investors have completed price negotiations and signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) with 58 out of 59 projects. Up to now, 20 projects have been accepted for the construction/portion of the construction, 27 projects have been granted licenses for the operation of the entire power plant/portion of the power plant, and 37 projects have received investment decision extension approval.

However, there are still 15 projects with a total capacity of 882.70 MW that have not submitted negotiation documents.


Source: Vietnam Energy_Update on electricity price negotiation results for wind and solar power transmission